Pursuing the Abundant Life exists to help you…

  • Master every challenge that comes your way and forge a deeper connection with your inner self and God. This is your true spiritual path!
  • Elevate your life with unwavering vitality and contagious enthusiasm, as God desires. Imagine that!
  • Commit to positive transformation through personal growth, kindness, compassion, and obedience to God’s principles. This is your time to thrive!

Hi, I’m Erica Yanney,

A certified Transformational Christian Life Coach accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

After years dedicated to music ministry at church and education, I felt called to embrace a new purpose: to construct solid, happy, and fulfilling futures through coaching.

My journey in Christian coaching began when, as a Career Coach, I assisted a Pastor in defining her purpose. As I blended scripture with coaching, I felt a passion igniting. I explored this path further to help others experience a more vibrant, meaningful, and purposeful life with directionality and intentionality.

As a Career Coach, I have helped many find their purpose and grow in their careers, but the more I coached, the more I realized that it is only through a holistic approach to life that you can achieve the maximum benefits. Our lives are much more than just our careers. And I wanted to influence entire lives holistically for maximum impact— from the core of spirituality out to all the other areas.

My heartfelt wish is that you embark on a journey of faith, self-discovery, and personal growth, unlocking God’s incredible gifts in your life and experiencing the best life you can possibly have in Christ.

There is a much more abundant way of living than many are experiencing that I hope you will uncover by applying God’s principles and strategically planning all areas of your life to thrive and prosper in God’s way.

Hi, I’m Jalimar Simplicio,

After a fulfilling 30-year career dedicated to asset valuation and operational, tactic, and strategic planning at Petrobras, Brazil’s leading National Oil and Gas giant, I’ve arrived at a new chapter in my life. This chapter is all about taking the knowledge God allowed me to acquire and directing it towards a truly significant project: helping you navigate your life’s spiritual journey.

Throughout my career, I’ve tried not to unbalance my life, giving more attention to work duties than my family care. I’m very thankful to God for watching over my son, spending meaningful time with him, and growing him into a servant of God. I love God’s purpose in parenting. But I admit that it is a challenging path.

My heart’s desire is to be a source of support and guidance for those seeking biblical wisdom, aiding you in uncovering and living out God’s unique purpose for your life, especially in finance and parenting. Unless you find a meaningful spiritual purpose in your work, you will find no pleasure in your undertaking.

I’ve been known for my calm demeanor, serenity, and friendly nature. As a life coach, I’m eager to provide a sense of calm, serenity, and friendliness as you tap into your inner spiritual wisdom. Together, we’ll make choices, establish habits, and foster behaviors that lead to a life brimming with abundance and fulfillment.

Besides working with Christian professionals to enhance their spiritual and career growth, I have a particular passion for assisting fellow retirees like myself in crafting intentional and purposeful lives during this unique phase. Retirement is an extraordinary opportunity to share the wisdom and knowledge we’ve gathered over the years. I’m here to inspire you to live a life of abundant fruitfulness, building or engaging in relevant projects to benefit an organization or individuals.

I also coach on organizational strategy and project implementation, drawing from my extensive corporate experience to strengthen churches’ and organizations’ growth and outreach plans.

As a Certified Transformational Coach from the Paradigm 21 Executive Leadership Coaching Academy, I’m dedicated to seeing lives and organizations experience profound transformation, success, vitality, and a positive impact in the world, aligning with God’s purpose. So, let’s embark on this journey together, and together, we’ll make meaningful changes in your life and your organization.

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Our work

In our time together, we will go beyond coaching. We will integrate Christian beliefs, equip you with essential tools, and elevate your skills to assist you in transforming habits to experience a more abundant life. We will explore scriptures for guidance and profound insights and pause for moments of prayer when they align with your journey.


To partner with Christians, individually or collectively, deepening awareness of their true identity, gifts, and purpose so that they may experience the abundant life that Christ promised in its fullness by living God`s principles.


To inspire and promote sustainable transformation, enriching as many lives and churches as possible to live an abundant life as Christ promised in a strategic and intentional manner.

Our Values


God is love, and love summarizes how we should live. We extend compassion, believing His love fosters meaningful connections and positive transformation.


Joy is not just an emotion; it’s a way of life. We celebrate a journey with boundless enthusiasm, rejoicing even in the face of tribulations.


Peace is a precious gift from God. We strive to nurture lasting tranquility and navigate challenges with grace and faith.


Patience is a God’s virtue that guides us through life’s trials. We persevere with a calm and determined spirit.


Treating others well, whishing the best for them, and going out of the way to be helpful and considerate to others, this is the way we strive to behave and lead others to do the same. 


Generosity is a universal language. We spread it, recognizing its power to transform relationships, communities, and the world.


Faithfulness is our guiding principle. We keep our word and commitments to God and others. This builds trust and a good reputation.


Gentleness is a source of strength. We emphasize empathy and compassion in all your interactions.


Self-control is the cornerstone of personal growth. We practice self-discipline, making faith-aligned, wise choices.


Honesty and truth go together. We embody trustworthiness, reliability, and a commitment to ethical behavior.


Truth is a non-negotiable value. We center our lives around the eternal truths of the Bible.


Growth and development are lifelong journeys. We cultivate a lasting legacy of positive impact. We don’t see mistakes as failure because we don’t ever give up on becoming the best we can be. 

Faith Statement

The Nicene creed

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten not made, being of one substance with the Father, through Whom all things were made: Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man: Who for us, too, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, suffered, and was buried: the third day He rose according to the Scriptures, ascended into heaven, and is seated on the right hand of the Father: He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life, Who proceeds from the Father and the Son: Who together with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified: Who spoke by the prophets. And I believe one holy, Christian, and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins, and I look for the resurrection of the dead and life of the age to come. Amen.

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Here's our vision for you…

A life filled with purpose, abundance, and joy. Each morning, your spiritual compass kicks in, guiding every decision and providing a clear sense of direction and alignment with God.


I’m ready to align my path with God’s vision.