Identity and Purpose Academy

Discover What Our Cohorts Can Unlock in You

The Identity and Purpose Academy

When you join The Identity and Purpose Academy at PAL – Pursuing the Abundant Life, you step into a community of believers committed to experiencing the fullness of life that Christ offers.

Our cohorts provide safe spaces for you to explore and grow in your faith, supported by confidentiality, encouragement, and guidance. At The Identity and Purpose Academy, you’ll find empathetic listeners ready to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your spiritual goals, guided by the timeless truths of Scripture. Together, we’ll journey towards a richer, more abundant life as you learn to plan your life around biblical principles and live well.

At PAL, our primary aim is to help you recognize and embrace the pivotal role of spirituality in your life. You’ll understand your identity in Christ, identify where you are on your faith journey, and discover or refine your God-given purpose. From this foundation, you’ll develop a strategic plan for your life, incorporating spiritual actions, habits, and disciplines that deepen your intimacy with God and provide clarity and strength for your spiritual journey.


Phases of The Identity and Purpose Academy Process

1. Uncover Your True Identity in Christ

In a world filled with conflicting messages about who we should be, discovering our authentic identity in Christ is crucial. Our true self is revealed through our relationship with God. Spirituality without self-knowledge leads to the use of unreal masks, while spirituality without God leads to fixation on the ego. True transformation occurs when we accept our identity in Christ, understand God’s attributes, and embrace the need for personal change. Knowing God’s unconditional love helps us accept ourselves, even in our imperfections.


2. Discover Your Stage in the Faith Journey

Using the “Steps of Faith” model by Janet Hagberg and Robert Guelich, we’ll guide you in assessing your current stage in the spiritual journey. This self-evaluation helps you pinpoint areas for transformation and growth. As you grow in knowing God, you gain a clearer understanding of who you are meant to be. The journey to authenticity involves shedding layers of cultural, familial, and societal influences, revealing the person God designed you to be.


3. Understand God’s Purpose for Your Life

Once you understand your identity in Christ, you can begin to discern God’s purpose for your life. Your unique characteristics, passions, and dreams are clues to the specific role God has for you. Many people miss out on this purpose, living without direction or passion. But when you align your life with God’s will, you’ll experience fulfillment, joy, and ease, and be better equipped to handle challenges.


4. Design a Life You Love with Intentionality

With a clear understanding of your authentic identity and God-given purpose, you can envision your best life and establish goals and actions to make it a reality. At PAL, we encourage you to balance all aspects of your life, constantly reflecting on your goals and priorities. This process involves setting intentional goals, guided by the Holy Spirit, and reassessing your priorities regularly. Effective time management and focus are essential to your success.


5. Implement Spiritual Disciplines for Lasting Transformation

To translate your insights into actionable steps, we guide you in practicing spiritual disciplines, habits, and exercises rooted in biblical principles. These practices are essential for your spiritual growth and provide direction for achieving your goals through the power of Christ in you. We want you to take action on what God is challenging you to be and do, leading to personal transformation and a life well-lived.

Be ready to embark on a journey towards a more abundant life! At PAL, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Together, we’ll explore, reflect, and grow in faith, unlocking the fullness of life that God has in store for you. Let’s step into this abundant life together!


For more information on our Christian Group Coaching cohorts, The Identity and Purpose Academy, book a complimentary meeting

Join our group or individual coaching sessions, where we cover a variety of topics to nourish and transform your soul, including Bible studies, prayer, worship, and much more. Choose between English or Portuguese sessions. New groups start in August 2024.

Let’s pursue the abundant life in Christ, one step at a time and join our tribe of abundant life seekers as we journey toward a life rich with purpose and meaning.

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