Identity and Purpose Academy

PAL’s Unique Vision for Life Coaching

If you’re on a quest for growth, fulfillment, and increased happiness, and you’re seeking coaching to guide you on this journey, you might wonder which approach would be the most impactful.

In this post, let’s explore the essence of Pursuing the Abundant Life and uncover why our coaching process stands out.


“I AM”: The Core and Source of the Abundant Life

At PAL – Pursuing the Abundant Life, our vision is a paradigm shift. We have reinvented the wheel of life: we’ve placed spirituality at the heart of it! Unlike many life coaching processes that treat spirituality as just one facet among many, we recognize that spirituality is the sun, the core, the very center of our existence. Without spirituality, this existence stays so empty, and there’s no purpose beyond this life on Earth. We always need to remind ourselves that we are not beings of this world, so we look to eternity constantly, and the way we live needs to reflect this.

We begin with the most foundational affirmation about life and the universe: GOD IS! He is not just a part of our lives; He is the Lord of it all! He is the source, life in itself, the Unique Being that illuminates and energizes us from the very breath of creation to eternity. In the universe of our lives, God is the sun, infusing every area with direction, energy, and power. Our identity and purpose emanate from this spiritual core, shaping how we approach health, family, career, social life, personal development, service, finances, and enjoyment. He is also the sustainer of life, providing all spiritual energy through our connection with Him, via His Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.


Abundance Unleashed: A Life Infused with Divine Power

Can you fathom a life lived with God at its core and the full potency of His power flowing within us? What type of life do you think it would generate? For sure, an abundant and vibrant life, pulsating with divine energy in every aspect, don’t you think? This is the life we invite you to experience: enjoy the power of the Almighty in everything you do. That is only possible if we connect with God through Christ, in the Spirit, and take time for reflection, planning, and establishing habits aligned with His principles. The commitment to these actions sets the stage for the deep transformation we so deeply desire.


Navigating Growth Amidst Challenges: A Faith-Infused Approach

Is it easy? No, growth and development are challenging, made worse by the obstacles of sin. However, the more you intentionally connect with God, seeking His guidance, the more equipped you become to face challenges, resist temptation, overcome sin, and live a better, happier life, fulfilling your purpose, despite all the opposition.


Dwelling Deep: Immersing in God’s Light and Glory

Imagine abiding deeply in God, immersing yourself in His light and glory, experiencing His presence, and being aware of the Holy Spirit within you. Can you see, listen, smell, and feel that presence surrounding you? What joy, comfort, and delight it brings! We encourage you: invest time in your relationship with God and spend more than a couple of minutes visualizing all that in your life on a daily basis.


Seeking Abundance Together: Let the Radiant Core Illuminate Your Path

After what you read in this post, give the next step, join us on this pursuit of blissful and full living. Let’s explore the divine plan for you and turn it into reality through actionable steps devised for every area of your life.

At PAL – Pursuing the Abundant Life, our differentiator is a faith-infused coaching approach, placing God at the center of everything, empowering us at the core of our lives.

Let’s seek this abundant life together, becoming as strong as we possibly can in Him to accomplish His vision for our lives.

Go ahead! Be coached and let the radiant core of God illuminate your path to abundance!


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