
“Who is God?” Asked a Social Media Follower

Recently, a social media follower posed the question, “Who is God?” At first, I saw it as a cynical, perhaps rhetorical inquiry, dismissing the relevance of even considering such a topic. I offered a free meeting to discuss it further, but as expected, they didn’t accept. I could sense their reluctance, their disbelief closing them off.


Yet, this question—“Who is God?”—is profoundly significant, not just for believers but for everyone. The answer, or lack thereof, can shape a person’s entire life. Your belief or disbelief in God influences every decision you make, ultimately impacting how you live and your potential for fulfillment and success.


How Our Concept of God Develops


Our understanding of God is shaped by many factors: family upbringing, cultural context, religious exposure, intellectual exploration, personal experiences, and the crises and dilemmas we face throughout life. These elements can either plant the seeds of belief or nurture skepticism. While some argue that belief in God is merely a product of cultural conditioning, the same logic applies to atheism, as it too is shaped by exposure to certain ideas and philosophies.


The Big Questions: Belief, Truth, and Relevance


So, should you believe it or not? Is there a God? Who is He, really, and why does it matter? How can one find the truth about such a profound question?


Different people approach this journey in different ways, and that’s perfectly fine. Our goal here is to encourage an open-minded exploration of these questions, inviting you to rethink, reevaluate, and perhaps discover new perspectives. Even mature Christians can find that some of their long-held beliefs may not fully align with the biblical truth as they deepen their faith and knowledge of God. .


Acknowledging Our Limits: The Mystery of God


Before delving into specifics, it’s essential to acknowledge a fundamental truth: human beings cannot fully comprehend God. The very idea of God implies a supreme Being whose intelligence and nature are far beyond our understanding. It’s like trying to imagine an amoeba comprehending the workings of the human brain—an impossibility.


Openness to Discover the Truth


In any genuine search for truth, it’s crucial to be open to the possibility that your beliefs may be correct—or they may be flawed. I invite you to write down your current beliefs about God and then ask yourself, “Is this true?” Questioning your beliefs is a healthy practice; it can either reinforce them or free you from misconceptions that might be hindering your life.


Seek Evidence, But Don’t Limit Yourself to Science


Scientific exploration is fascinating, but it’s also ever-evolving. What was once considered true may not hold up today. Many phenomena remain unexplained by current scientific understanding. There is a spiritual realm, full of unseen elements that transcend our present technological capabilities.


Experience God for Yourself


In my Christian worldview, I see evidence of God in the universe and in the world around us. I find it hard to believe that such order and structure could arise from mere chance. Beyond this, the Bible provides a rich history of God’s revelation, which continues to be supported by recent archaeological findings.


However, the most compelling evidence for me is personal experience. I have encountered God directly, in ways that have proven His existence to me. From answered prayers to a sense of peace and joy in difficult times, my relationship with God is real and transformative. But even if you haven’t had such experiences, I encourage you to explore the possibility.


Progressive Revelation: Growing in Understanding


As you embark on your spiritual journey, be open to evolving your understanding of God. Just as a child’s understanding grows with maturity, so too should our spiritual insights deepen over time. Sometimes, God reveals more complex truths only when we are ready to grasp them. This process of spiritual growth is like peeling back layers of blindfolds, gradually allowing us to see the truth more clearly.


The Bible as a Source of Truth


For those who are not Christian, this may be a challenging suggestion, but I encourage you to give the Bible a chance. Read it, and then draw your own conclusions. For those who already accept the Bible as truth, know that deeper study will lead to greater understanding. At PAL, we offer tools to help you reflect, understand, and discover the personal truths that God wants to reveal to you through Scripture.


Historical, Scientific, and Archaeological Evidence


Many who have set out to disprove God’s existence through rigorous academic research have ended up discovering the opposite. Historical, scientific, and archaeological evidence, combined with the work of the Holy Spirit, has led them to the truth of God’s existence. While proving God’s existence might be challenging, disproving it is even harder, especially when you consider the vast evidence and countless testimonies throughout history.


How Does Your Concept of God Influence Your Life?

Stay tuned for our next blog, where we will explore this crucial question.


By: Erica Yanney | Christian Coach and PAL’s Founder






Who is God? I don’t have all the answers, but I’m on a journey to know more each day. Do you want to join me in this pursuit of truth? Are you ready to deepen your spirituality and explore new heights? If so, let’s embark on this journey together.


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