These resources are our gift to you. They’re abundant life tools that can help you cultivate the values of love, wisdom, and the pursuit of goodness.

Psalm 119:105:

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

Discover Divine Wisdom: Unlock the Secrets to Nurturing Your Spiritual Growth
Blog Words Worth Reading Inspiring Your Journey to a Purposeful Life

“Who is God?” Asked a Social


Recently, a social media follower posed the question, “Who is God?” At first, I saw it as a cynical, perhaps rhetorical inquiry, dismissing the relevance of even considering


How to Tell if Your Percepti


Have you ever changed your mind about something? What led to that shift? Have you ever had a mistaken impression of someone or something, only to discover it wasn't what you thought? In life, we sometime


The Power of Good Companions


In the journey of life, who we walk alongside can profoundly shape our experience. Whether we're navigating the rocky terrain of personal growth, career challenges, or spiritual develop

Together, We Thrive: Explore Our Services I'm ready to transform

I had the privilege of working with Erica Yanney, and it was an incredible experience that significantly impacted my professional journey. Before starting to work with Erica, I felt anguished and lost about which direction to take in my career, making me believe that I was incapable.

From our first session, Erica created a supportive environment that allowed me to discuss my goals and concerns openly. She listened carefully and helped me better understand my talents and purpose as a human being and a Christian.

All ten sessions showed her dedication, professionalism, and genuine concern for me. I am incredibly grateful for their impact on my life and recommend their services to anyone who needs guidance and support on their journey.

Maria Rita Bailey

Erica has been instrumental in my life, a blessing. I developed more awareness about achieving my goals and noticing my progress step by step. The motivation Erica generates and the way she conducts the sessions have made a difference. It has turned a key within me, and I am excited to make things happen in a more dynamic and professional way in my company. Not to mention the spiritual aspect, I was in a bit of a cold phase, and now I am focusing more on God, and Erica always pulls me towards spirituality and connection with Christ. He has to be our focus and our direction. Thank you, Erica. May God bless you.

Luiza Anacleto

Being coached by Erica was a turning point in my life. I can clearly see the difference between my before and after this process. With her help, I was able to see aspects of myself that I hadn’t seen before or ignored. With her assistance, I had the courage to apply to college and achieve the dream of getting into a university. But this process didn’t just help me in my professional life by finding a career; it also helped me to look at myself in a different light and led me to many other self-discoveries that affected all areas of my life positively.

Maria Isabel Leão